FINANCIAL FACELIFT: To buy or rent a condo? Montreal couple search best route for saving towards retirement
Below you will find a real life case study of a couple who are looking for financial advice on how best to arrange their financial affairs. Their names and details have been changed to protect their identities. The Globe and Mail often seeks the advice of our VP, Wealth Advisor, Matthew Ardrey, to review and…
Read MoreRetirement Shouldn’t be a Taxing Transition
When people think of retirement, they make think of relaxing at the cottage, traveling the world, or maybe with the recent blasts of winter we have been receiving, spending some time in warmer climates. What most people don’t think about is how my taxes are going to change. Yes, with April just around the corner,…
Read MoreTrudeau is right: 40% of Canadians don’t pay income taxes, which means someone else is picking up the bill
Many people were upset with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week for saying “low-income families don’t benefit from tax breaks because they don’t pay taxes.” Of course, some were upset because they felt it was untrue. But Trudeau was speaking the complete truth when it comes to income taxes (HST, realty taxes and other consumption…
Read MoreThese are the eight sources of retirement income you need to know about
In RRSP season there is a lot of focus on your RRSP — surprise, surprise. As most of you know, the RRSP will ultimately turn into a RRIF and be a key source of your income in retirement. What many people don’t always think about is other potential sources of retirement income. In our work…
Read MoreFINANCIAL FACELIFT: With ambitious retirement goals, will this couple have enough to meet their lifestyle needs?
Below you will find a real life case study of a couple who are looking for financial advice on how best to arrange their financial affairs. Their names and details have been changed to protect their identities. The Globe and Mail often seeks the advice of our VP, Wealth Advisor, Matthew Ardrey, to review and…
Read MoreWhat investors should buy now if they like high yields and low prices
Timing the market is a tricky business. To do it really well you have to get three things right. You need to buy in at the right time, sell at the right time, and then reinvest your funds at a good time. Our view has always been that given that markets go up pretty…
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