The five things to do after you win the lottery

By: Olivia Glauberzon, Special to the Star, Published on Tue Jan 26 2016 When it comes to buying lottery tickets like ones this month’s $1.5 billion Powerball, players put plenty of thought into picking their numbers. But how much goes into the plan if they actually win? In 2001, Vicki Damant was close to the…

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Helping to Care for Aging Parents

by Raynia Sauvageau MSW, RSW When it comes to helping aging parents, many feel they are ill-prepared for this part of life. As children, we looked up to our parents to care for us, protect us, and eventually help launch us. Many of us go on to marry, have our own families and set up…

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Why you probably shouldn’t ever want to own a cottage

As you are reading this on what is hopefully a beautifully sunny and warm day, sitting on your dock on the water, what could be better than being at your cottage. There is no question of how nice it can be, but do you really have to own it to enjoy it? Occasionally clients ask…

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How long will I live?

Any which way you look at it, life is too short and we must learn to love life, each and every day as if it was the last. We help our clients find perspective and balance by having them complete our ‘Creation of true wealth’ questionnaire, which will hopefully get you thinking about how you’re…

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