New signals point to more than just a ‘Santa’ rally

The past year has delivered lingering concerns over Covid, continued supply chain constraints, the Russian Ukraine war, unprecedented inflation, and subsequent aggressive government interest rate hikes to reduce this inflation. This crushed stocks and bonds. A review of three broad US market sectors tells this year’s sad tale. The iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock…

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TriDelta Insight Q3 Commentary

Market Overview Coming off a difficult June, markets were optimistic heading into the early stages of the third quarter. By mid-August markets in Canada and the U.S. were strongly positive on several good news stories. Recession fears eased on the back of improving economic data and inflation showing early signs of having peaked, and company…

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TriDelta Insight Q2 Commentary

Overview While it’s undoubtedly been a difficult first six months of the year, there are still positives. A strong job market, companies buying back their own stock, signs that pessimism had gone too far, and strong bank balance sheets have helped provide some support. The consumer has also largely continued to spend, helped by rising…

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Market Commentary for June 2022

Two Important Sources of Value – Stocks and Emotions In May, the S&P500 dropped as much as 11% in the first 3 weeks and ended the month roughly flat.  In a month like this, and in a year like 2022, it is very important to start with investments that are valued at least somewhat reasonably,…

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Market Commentary for May 2022

Why There is Reason for Optimism In March of 2020 the markets suffered one of the steepest drops in recent memory. From peak to bottom, the S&P 500 fell 35%. In hindsight many people who had been through the Great Financial Crisis a decade earlier saw this as an excellent opportunity to invest, while others…

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