The Financial Media Can Be Harmful to Your Wealth

“Success in investing doesn’t correlate with I.Q…. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing.” – Warren Buffet As Warren Buffet and countless other investment gurus have observed, one of the most important factors for being a successful investor is…

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Q4 TriDelta Investment Review – From Great to OK – Moving from 2017 to 2018

2017 – the year without a stock market correction The Ebola Virus, Greek Crisis, Debt Ceiling, Refugee Crisis, Global Warming, Brexit, Trump, North Korea…there is always something scary for the media to report and make us nervous. Usually, these headlines frighten investment markets. For some reason, 2017 didn’t see this. In many major markets, there…

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Q3 TriDelta Investment Review

How did Markets do? The 3rd Quarter report would have had a different feel if it was written in early September.  At that point Bonds were down, Canadian stocks were down, and with a strong rise in the Canadian dollar, US stocks were down in Canadian dollar terms. Fortunately the quarter ended on September 30th,…

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Protecting Your Retirement Portfolio – in a Down Market

When I review the portfolio of a new client as part of their financial plan, they almost always have at least one of the following concerns on their mind. They ask how long can stocks continue to climb given it has been an eight year bull market or how can their portfolio earn any income…

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Seven ETFs to counter a Canadian portfolio bias (from the Globe and Mail)

Lorne Zeiler, VP, Portfolio Manager and Wealth Advisor at TriDelta Financial was interviewed by Joel Schlesinger of the Globe and Mail on how Canadian investors can use ETFs to reduce specific Canadian market risks in their portfolios. (Article printed on September 26, 2017). In the investing world, you can have too much of a good…

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