Posts Tagged ‘Taxes’
Retirement Shouldn’t be a Taxing Transition
When people think of retirement, they make think of relaxing at the cottage, traveling the world, or maybe with the recent blasts of winter we have been receiving, spending some time in warmer climates. What most people don’t think about is how my taxes are going to change. Yes, with April just around the corner,…
Read MoreTrudeau is right: 40% of Canadians don’t pay income taxes, which means someone else is picking up the bill
Many people were upset with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week for saying “low-income families don’t benefit from tax breaks because they don’t pay taxes.” Of course, some were upset because they felt it was untrue. But Trudeau was speaking the complete truth when it comes to income taxes (HST, realty taxes and other consumption…
Read MoreWhat a couple of kids at the CNE can teach the government about budgeting
In September everything is back in swing. Kids are back in school. Governments are back in session. Money will be spent on juice boxes and money will be spent on pipelines. Before the juice boxes get packed for school though, I had the pleasure of being at the CNE in Toronto with my son and…
Read MoreIPP – Why so many dentists have set this up to save taxes in 2018 and beyond
As a dentist you know that from time to time you may be presented with a challenging case of a difficult extraction. As a Wealth Advisor and Financial Planner, I can tell you we are also often presented with a case of a potentially difficult extraction but instead of it being a molar, our challenge…
Read MoreCountdown to Year-end – Have you put your tax planning in place?
With less than a month to go before the end of the year, it is time to give some thought to how you are going to put your affairs in order to minimize your taxes next April. Below I have provided several points which you should contemplate for your own tax situation. Some of these…
Read MoreTips for lowering taxes on investments (from the Globe and Mail)
How can investors reduce taxes on investments? TriDelta Financial’s Lorne Zeiler, Portfolio Manager and Wealth Advisor was one of two wealth management professionals interviewed by Globe and Mail reporter Terry Cain to answer this very question (article printed on March 1, 2017). It’s an old saying but it still holds true – nothing is certain…
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